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Getting better health services in Pittwater is key priority

Independent MP Jacqui Scruby is tackling local health care concerns with a series of face-to-face meetings with ministers, hospital managers, unions, staff and patients. Getting better services in Pittwater is a key priority for the new MP. 

This morning (Wednesday 11 December) she met with allied health staff and their representatives, who are in the middle of consultation over ‘job redesign’ at Mona Vale Hospital. 

There were reports that Mona Vale Hospital would lose up to 15 allied health staff as part of budget cuts across the whole North Shore Local Health District (NSLHD) to deliver $9 million in savings, in the lead up to the byelection in October. Ms Scruby heard from worried constituents and met Health Services Union (HSU) members, who believe cuts will lead to worse patient outcomes and potentially result in ‘bed blocking’, undermining cost savings.  

Allied Health staff include physiotherapists, occupational therapists, podiatrists and dietitians.  

‘People in Pittwater still rue the loss of hospital services from Mona Vale and are concerned about health services at the new Northern Beaches Hospital (NBH). They want to have access to the quality health care they were promised when NBH opened’, said Ms Scruby. 

‘I made representations to Minister Park in our first meeting that any cuts to allied health at Mona Vale Hospital should be reviewed and that the recommendations made in the Review of MVH Allied Health Service delivered earlier this year should be delivered.’ 

Ms Scruby said the Health Service Union (HSU) sitting down for a working group with Mona Vale Hospital management in December to address these issues was a positive step. The HSU is asking for delivery of the review recommendations and streamlining and expediting the recruitment process. 

‘I am happy that the proposed changes to allied health at Mona Vale Hospital are now subject to formal consultation. This is a big win for our community and allied health workers.  

‘However, it’s important to step back and realise this is a historical problem that have been ongoing ever since NBH opened. Allied health workers I’ve spoken to feel stretched already. Low staffing numbers make backfilling leave difficult, leaving holes in services. There are delays in filling positions, which limit the ability for services to be ramped up to meet community demand. And as NBH increases its services, the knock-on effect is increasing workflow to MVH allied health staff. 

‘But I also want to stress that Mona Vale Hospital and their wonderful allied health staff and management continue to deliver invaluable services to our community. They need to be supported by the NSW government.  I’m happy to see improvements in capacity services for adolescent diabetes, social workers and physiotherapy over the last 12 months, but we need to ensure the improvements continue.  Even cuts to administration can have flow on impacts to patient care.’ 

‘I’ve got a meeting with the head of the NSLHD coming up in December, and I look forward to working with him constructively to enhance the current health services even and ensure we work to improving services at MVH over the long term.’  

‘I also want to understand how the recommendations of the current Audit into Northern Beaches Hospital can support better outcomes for MVH. One issue is that the new digital patient records system across NSW public health may not apply to the public services out of NBH, making it difficult for allied health staff at MVH to access patient records. It’s this kind of inefficiency that needs to be sorted out so front-line staff can concentrate on treating patients.’ 

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