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Finish Mona Vale Rd Petition

It’s time to rebuild the petition that was lost when the former member resigned.

We need to demonstrate strong community support to strengthen the case for Mona Vale Rd West to be completed. Unfortunately, the petition created by former member Rory Amon that gathered thousands of signatures was never presented to the Minister and the petition is now lost.

So, even if you have signed before – please sign again and let’s get the people of Pittwater showing the government that they must finish this road!

20,000 Signatures

2,112 Signatures

Will you sign?

We the undersigned call on the Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Roads and the NSW government to commit to the completion of Mona Vale Road West upgrades immediately.

We note that the current state of Mona Vale Road is not only a traffic congestion issue but that it is leading to serious road accidents and a fatality is inevitable. Mona Vale Road is also the primary evacuation route for the communities of Duffys Forest, Terrey Hills and Ingleside, with the current unfinished road risking lives in the event of a bushfire.

We call for commitment for the completion of the road in the NSW State budget and for all necessary preparatory works, design and environmental approvals be completed immediately.

We also call for the existing site to be remediated in the interim to prevent environmental damage.

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