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Let's pass the Protect Our Beaches Act and end PEP-11 forever!

This Act is our chance to save our beaches by ending PEP-11 forever. If we all stand up one last time in support of our precious coastline, within months we can pass the Protect Our Beaches Act and never think about having oil and gas rigs where we swim ever again.  

PEP-11 is an oil and gas exploration licence stretching from Newcastle down to Manly that could mean oil and gas is mined and transported just kilometres off the beaches that are such an important part of our lives. 

We all thought the issue was done and dusted, but at the beginning of February the Federal Government scrapped the decision -- first made by Scott Morrison using his controversial powers as the secret Resources Minister. 

There is a very real chance the Federal Government could approve PEP-11 and make mining off our beaches a reality. 

That's why the first bill I'll introduce to NSW Parliament if elected is the Protect Our Beaches Act, that will end PEP-11 once and for all -- no matter what the federal government decides to do. Already sitting independent Alex Greenwich MP, as well as four other independent candidates with a strong chance of winning their seats this election, have agreed to vote for the bill.

If we all come together and show NSW how important our beaches are to us, I'll take this petition to other members of the crossbench, as well as both major parties, and show them how much community support there is for this bill. 

If we all stand up, they will have no choice but to support this bill so we can end PEP-11 once and for all. Let's do this. 

Who's signing

500 Signatures

317 Signatures

Will you sign?

The Protect Our Beaches Act amends the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to prohibit development in state waters for the purpose of offshore petroleum exploration and recovery. In short, whether or not the PEP-11 licence is granted, this Act would stop ships and pipelines from passing through state-controlled coastal waters -- rendering PEP-11 oil and gas mining impossible. 

This is our chance to end PEP-11 forever. It's what the community has been crying out for for years. 

Neither major party has said they will support this bill yet, and we can change that.

Sign the petition so I can go to the major parties and show them just how widespread that community opposition is -- and let's finally get this done together. 

P.S. Once you've signed the petition, pass it on to your friends and family. It's the only way we'll get the word out far enough to make a difference.

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