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Your donation will help level the playing field, to win this election and get action on climate, integrity and other issues that matter to the people of Pittwater. 

All donations to this campaign must comply with the NSW Electoral Commission's rules for political donations. Please note that certain groups are prohibited from donating, and the maximum any donor can donate in a single financial year is capped at $3,300. You can find the full details on the NSW Electoral Commission website.

Also note that if you donate $1,000 or more to this campaign in any financial year, you are required to declare this to the NSW Electoral Commission annually in the following July.


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Donation rules

By submitting this form you are confirming that the below statements are true and correct.
  • I am enrolled to vote in Australia OR an Australian business with an ABN or ACN, and
  • I am not a prohibited donor (being a property developer, or a tobacco, liquor, or gambling industry business entity) nor a close associate of a prohibited donor, and
  • I have not have donated more than $3,300 (including this donation) to our campaign in the current financial year, and
  • I am donating my own funds, and have not been solicited by anyone else to donate.
You can find the full details on the NSW Electoral Commission website.

Also note that if you donate $1,000 or more to this campaign in any financial year, you are required to declare this to the NSW Electoral Commission annually in the following July.